Winter Birthday Party Ideas – Your Complete Guide

When the nights are drawing in and the weather is cooling down, there’s nothing you want more than to snuggle up warm. But with party season just round the corner, it’s the perfect time to reunite with old friends and to embrace the change in seasons. 

If you have a winter birthday, it can be a challenge to organise a gathering that won’t blend in with the endless Christmas get togethers. After all, you want to stand out! 

Whether you prefer to stay cosy indoors or take the celebration outdoors, we have the perfect winter birthday party ideas to help you to plan the perfect birthday bash, whatever your tastes.

Take it outdoors

Just because its winter doesn’t mean you need to confine your gathering to indoors – you can still make use of your outdoor space. Luckily, that doesn’t mean having to freeze under the elements, it just requires some creative planning and organisation. 

For example, you could think about hiring a gazebo or a patio heater to keep your guests warm and sheltered from the elements, without having to remain indoors. 

Hire a hot tub

If you’re hoping to make lasting memories, a great way to enjoy the cooler nights without catching a chill is to host a hot tub party. If you’re lucky enough to have your own hot tub, you’re ready to go, but don’t panic if not - there are always good deals for hot tub hire online, so be sure to keep an eye out. If you're in Surrey, check out Surrey Bubbles for hot tub hire!

Even on the frostiest of evenings, you can sit back and relax in your hot tub with friends, catching up and reminiscing. Put on some of your favourite songs and keep everyone’s glasses topped up and you’ll be sure to have a fantastic night. 

For ultimate convenience, we’d recommend setting up a refreshment table nearby, complete with a drinks cooler to keep the vino cool. After all, there’s nothing better than sitting back in a hot tub with an ice cold glass of bubbly! 

Fire pit

There’s no better way to keep warm than in front of a blazing fire, and investing in a fire pit is one of the best ways to do this. Fire pit parties can be tons of fun and are ideal for when you have a large variety of guests. Both kids and adults alike will find themselves mesmerised by the fire and there are endless ways to keep your attendees entertained whilst enjoying the heat. 

For food, make the most of the fire and toast some marshmallows or get creative making s’mores. To save having to keep going back into the house for drinks, have a cooler on hand filled with ice and drinks, so that people can help themselves throughout the party. 

Encourage guests to wear warm clothing such as coats, hats and gloves and advise that they bring a blanket to snuggle under. As the evening draws in, keep your guests entertained with games such as charades or sing some campfire songs. 

Cinema night

If you prefer to spend winter evenings indoors, don’t worry as we have a winter birthday party idea just for you! Why not host a cinema night for all of your friends and family, with all the little extras to make it really special? 

Set up the living room with plenty of different seating options and dim the lights (or use fairy lights) to set the atmosphere. If you’re short on seats, don’t be afraid to message round and ask people to bring beanbags along with them to add some variety, or simply scatter some cushions and blankets on the floor. 

Prepare a cinema snacks table with popcorn and a variety of sweets to allow guests to create their own pick and mix of treats to enjoy, just like being at the cinema. Then, fill the drinks cooler ahead of the guests arriving so you’re all set to go. 

Make sure you select a film that everyone will enjoy, whether that’s a classic you can never watch too many times or a new comedy that’s just been released. It’s a good idea to plan in an interval part way through the film to allow everyone to refill their glasses and chat about the film. 

If you really want to get everyone laughing, you could introduce a game to play whilst watching the film, where every time a certain word is mentioned or something happens, the group has to take a forfeit. Get creative and have a laugh!

Karaoke party

For a party that won’t be forgotten quickly, invite friends and family over for a karaoke night. To add an exciting twist, opt for a theme such as 80s, rockstars or a night at the movies and encourage everyone to dress up. You could even assign each guest with a famous singer they have to dress as for the night, before tackling one of their most famous songs. 

Prepare a light buffet with snacks to give everyone the energy to perform such as crisps, peanuts, olives, biscuits and cakes. Depending on who is attending, have a variety of alcoholic and soft drinks ready in your drinks cooler and prepare to enjoy an evening of music and laughter!

Plan the perfect winter birthday party

The cool weather of winter doesn’t mean that you need to compromise when it comes to throwing a birthday party to remember. By preparing ahead of time and ensuring that your food and drinks are laid out ready for guests to help themselves to, you’ll give yourself more time to enjoy socialising with your guests, spending less time running back and forth. Prepare yourself to have a fun filled evening making memories to last a lifetime!

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