What have we all learned in 2020?

To say 2020 has been unexpected, difficult and long would be an understatement. None of us could have anticipated what this year has brought us, and there have been countless hurdles and diversions which have been thrown our way. So amongst it all, what have we all learned from 2020?

The internet is (still) king

The internet has been king pretty much since its inception in 1983. But if this year has taught us anything, it’s that the internet has literally kept families together, businesses afloat and the world connected.

Although the idea of another Zoom quiz might now fill us with dread, it was social video streaming and sharing platforms which kept us connected to our friends and family. Hours were spent by millions of us each week as we sat down virtually with our loved ones to chat, play games and eat and drink.

And just as importantly, platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams have allowed businesses to stay connected with their employees, and companies who might have otherwise struggled, to maintain a presence online.


2020 has forced us to adapt and change the way we live, in so many ways. As well as millions of us now working from home, this year has altered the way we socialise, shop and live.

It’s not all doom and gloom, though. Adapting to a new way of living has allowed many of us to take a step back and slow down. Flexibility is another buzz word for 2020, and so many of us have realised that a more flexible lifestyle has allowed us a stronger work-life balance. Both companies and individuals have adapted to a new way of working, allowing many of us to attend that midday appointment, or be on time for parents evening (even if it was virtual!)

The importance of human interaction

Rushing around, head in our phones and little awareness of the world around us. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Before this year, many of us were guilty of operating at a rate of knots, and often missing important or heartwarming interactions with strangers, friends and family. But since we’ve been forced into a world of change, many of these interactions have become a pivotal part of our day. In the height of lockdown, the hard working cashier at the supermarket, or the dedicated bus driver might have been the only people we had the opportunity to interact with that day.

We’ve seen so many people slow down and take the time and the effort to speak to those around them, and recognise this beautiful world we live in. If anything, 2020 has taught us to appreciate people around us a little more. This year has changed humanity; in our opinion, for the better.

The importance of our customers

It would have been impossible for us to create this post and not recognise our wonderful customers. We’ve always known the importance of our customers - we couldn’t survive without you. But during what could have been a turbulent year for many, our customers have kept us afloat, smiling and feeling positive.

From all of the incredible feedback, to the continuation of orders throughout the year, all of you lovely Outside Gang supporters have been incredible. So thank you.

Our key workers are superstars

We just wanted to give a final nod to the key workers who have quite literally kept the world turning. To all of the nurses, doctors, supermarket workers, carers, teachers, social workers, refuse collectors and all those who have worked tirelessly throughout this pandemic: thank you. 

As always, if you have any queries and need to get in touch with us, you can do so by filling in the form on our contact page, or emailing us at contact@outsidegang.com.

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